
10 Most dangerous women to date

How to discover your dating a ‘must dump’ dud.

As a serial dater, I know that dating the wrong woman can be a dull experience. In my book I teach the art of dumping, the Complete Bastard way. One of my key points to learn about dumping is how to spot a potential date disaster early and dump her fast and with little mercy.

Going shotgun: women can be deadly dates

The first step in avoiding a date disaster is identifying that she is one. Here are ten types of women who, if you ever come across them, dump them pronto and get out quick! That is, if they let you…

1. The ‘sex-only’ chick
The one-night stand is over and you’re just bored of the sex. She’s making your libido lag and it’s time to dump her for fresh adventure. She might not see it so simply however and learn to hear the phrase ‘But didn’t it mean anything to you?’ Ignore.

2. The ‘conflict’ chick
Sometimes people just don’t get on. A personality clash does not go away and can turn a great date into a ‘date you hate’. Seek resolution by avoiding conflict and her. She’ll soon get the message - even though she’ll never agree with it.

3. The ‘psycho’ chick
You’ll know all about it when you encounter this type. She’ll use every tactic she knows to keep you and then some. Hide yourself and your bunny somewhere safe till the men in white coats come to take her away.

4. The ‘canny’ chick
This chick is smart and when she finds out that you’re a Complete Bastard, she’ll blow your cover and your chances with other susceptible women. So be smart and don’t stay around long enough for this Agatha Christie to solve your riddle.

5. The ‘cheat’ chick
She’s a great match for you. Not in the compatibility stakes but because she’s a consummate liar, cheat and conniver herself. Call ‘final whistle’ on this game player and find a less deceitful dalliance.

6. The ‘covetous’ chick
For centuries women have known how to take men for everything they own. The gold digger is to your cash what Dracula is to blood transfusion. Swat this batty bird before she sucks you of every perk you possess.

7. The ‘time-waster’ chick
She’ll promise you everything – great date, great times, great sex. But all you ever get is the run-around and excuse after excuse. Don’t let this time-waster spoil your fun.

8. The ‘no perks’ chick
The Complete Bastard’s preserve is to get perks and a chick with no resources is worse than a Middle East country without an oilfield. In short, barren, desolate and with no reason to go there.

9. The ‘single mother’ chick
With extra mouths to feed bar her own, this deadly dame will pull out every stop to halt you from leaving her and to make that nuclear family image in her head come true. Nuke her before you become her and the kids’ Sugar Daddy.

10. The ‘ultimate nightmare’ chick
Also known as Dump Dragons. These nasty specimens are out to date men for one reason – revenge. They’ll date you and dupe you just to get to the dump. These women can truly push you to over the Bastard edge. Beware.

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